Terms of use
The information contained in this website is the property of BI WORLDWIDE™ and its providers and is protectable under applicable copyright law. You agree not to reproduce, retransmit, disseminate, sell, distribute, publish, broadcast, circulate, or commercially exploit the Information in any manner without the express written consent of BI WORLDWIDE and other relevant providers.
BI WORLDWIDE™ provides no warranty of merchantability, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, and no warranty of non-infringement. There is no warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the information contained in this website.
Neither BI WORLDWIDE™ nor its agents, representatives, or contractors transmitting information over this Web site shall be liable to anyone else for any consequential, incidental, special or indirect damages (including lost profits and damages that may result of inconvenience, delay, or loss of use of the information, or for omissions or inaccuracies in the information) even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
Occasionally, changes in the various insurance and benefit plans may occur. BI WORLDWIDE™ reserves the right to design the provisions of a plan and modify, amend, or terminate any of the benefit plans provided at any time and for any reason without prior notice to Associates as allowed by law.
Copyright © 2025 BI WORLDWIDE™
BI WORLDWIDE™ is a trade name of Schoeneckers, Inc.