This incentive structure delivered results. It motivated the right people and awarded them for their performance.
48% of Fleet Managers chose the highest goal, with 51% of participants achieving their goals. Participants outperformed the control group by 33.3%, and low/mid-low performers saw a 174% sales lift. GoalQuest® delivered a 199% return on investment (ROI).
Problem space
Sales team motivation
Channel engagement
Contests and incentives
Fleet Sales Managers
Exceed aggressive Fleet vehicle sales targets in a competitive end-of-year selling period.
Address significant performance variances within the audience by engaging all Fleet Managers, not just top performers.
Using the principles of Behavioural Economics (BE), BI WORLDWIDE Canada designed and operated a 60-day GoalQuest® sales incentive involving 154 Fleet Sales Managers. The core components of this program included:
- Tailored goals: The audience was segmented into 5 groups based on the previous year’s performance. Using the BE principle of idiosyncratic fit, each group’s goal levels—based on their own historical performance—were created to be relevant to the individuals within the group, ambitious yet achievable.
- Self-selected goals: Incorporating choice architecture, Fleet Managers set their own goals by selecting one of 3 goal levels. Awards for goal levels were varied and reflective of the goal.
- Manager override: A manager override was implemented to engage and award corporate Regional Managers based on the performance of Fleet Managers within their region.
- Communications: Weekly progress emails to participants and managers augmented by inspirational emails to participants.
- Goal selection: 48% of Fleet Managers selected the most aggressive goal, goal level 3, compared to the GoalQuest® historical average of 41%*.
- Achievement: 51% of participants achieved their selected goal. Level 3 had the highest achievement rate at 59%.
- Incremental lift: 44% of participants exceeded their goal.
- Participants vs. control group: Participants significantly outperformed the control group by 33.3%.
- Segment performance: The greatest improvement came from historically low and mid-low performers, who delivered a sales lift of 174%, reinforcing the impact GoalQuest® has on influencing behaviour change across a spectrum of performers.
- Manager override: The Regional Managers drove engagement by sending reminders and encouraging messages to Fleet Managers, resulting in all Regional Managers achieving their goals.
- Outcome: The aggressive end-of-year target was exceeded.
- Return on investment: GoalQuest® delivered an ROI of 199%.